After lot of struggles, changes, hard rejections, soft rejections…. our theme is finally accepted into CC. I have submitted theme for the 4th time into ThemeForest but they rejected saying it needs more refining (very common rejection msg) then i submitted to WrapBootstrap but rejected there too (a surprise to me) so finally i […]
Match everything in between two strings using sublime text
Often when working on projects with multiple files, we may need to find everything in between two strings and replace them. example: moving all global js files (files which will be used in all files) within comments like <!– global js –> <script src="js/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script> <!– Bootstrap –> <script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <!– end of global js […]
theme rejected again for 3rd time
Theme rejected again with a silly msg “Unfortunately, your submission is too similar to existing item(s) in our marketplace. Your upload must be a unique concept not based on any existing marketplace item.” this time i am very sure it will pass through, after 98% it was held temp by review team so i […]
submitted theme again
Yesterday i have submitted Josh theme again, surprisingly it got 52% just after i uploaded it and then it progressed very well, it struct at 72% for a long period and now at 90% for more than 6 hours. will it approve this time? i guess we have 90% chance. after i ask for […]
wordpress wp_options size increasing dramatically?
Is your wordpress site becoming slow? wp_options table size is increasing dramatically day by day? did you install woocommerce? If you install woocommerce, then woocommerce creates session values in wp_options which will be deleted automatically in 12 hours but if wordpress cron is not working then your wp db size will increase like anything. there […]
reality bites
I always used to think i like adventures and i am an adventurous guy but reality proved me wrong. went for bungy jumping feeling excited and i didn’t scared even for a single moment, even when i saw it for first time i thought height is so less 😛 (150 ft) but when i […]
wordpress add new plugin option missing
If you have changed host or upgraded from old version to new version, there is a chance that, you will not be able to “add new plugin” option in your self hosted wordpress admin dashboard. after searching for more than 2 hours, i come across solution for it. Solution is very simple, Go to PhpMyAdmin, […]
Theme Rejected Again
Its a sad news 🙁 We submitted our theme for second time after making many changes and adding new features etc… but TF rejected. First time, i was already made up my mind for rejection and i was in Tirumala at that time… in queue to visit God so i didn’t think much about it. […]
First impressions with fitbit flex
Well, I wanted to buy wearable technology for more than 6 months but after reading many reviews and all I decided to go with fitbit flex Let me write cons first no good manual Even though box is big, they didn’t provide any manual with it so I had to spend more than 2 hrs […]
Hackintosh Mountain Lion appstore fix
If you are using Moutain Lion Hackintosh and try to connect to App Store you may get error like “An unknown error has occurred”. When you trying accessing other native applications, you will get errors like below iCloud Unable to sign in because of a problem communicating with iCloud. Try signing again. FaceTime The server […]